Hi friend,
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!
I’m Anne Vally, a knitter, sewist, writer, and believer in the common good. I live and work in San Francisco.
I hand-dye yarn and make kits for knitters. I also write about knitting, and I knit a lot. I’m learning to crochet.
I am passionate about knitting and making things by hand.
I believe that making things by hand is a powerful way to better care for ourselves, to unravel the impact of consumer culture, and to help center equity in our lives. With my newsletter, I hope to encourage you to make more things by hand, too. I want you to knit more, to crochet more, and to make more things by hand because I believe hand-making makes life better for all of us.
Making things by hand—knitting, crocheting, crafting—creates pockets of wellness and joy, which, in turn, fuels our ability to make a difference in our in-person communities, whether that’s to show up to protest book bans at our kids’ schools, to write a few more postcards to liberal voters, or to replenish ourselves after the -isms of the world try and diminish our humanity.
Knitting, crochet and craft helps us tune in (and find) our own North Stars.
I hope you will feel seen and supported by my weekly (ish) letters.
I send a new letter most Sundays, which will come straight to your in-box.
It will make you feel good about your knitting and crocheting; it might encourage you to think deeply about something; and it will always be a quiet encouragement to live mindfully, from me to you.
The Knit Together community here is growing and full of people just like you: folks who put liberal values first and deeply love their knitting and hand-work. I often hear from people who feel like blue dots in red states or who are intentionally marginalized in one way or another.
One of the most important things you’ll find here is that I center liberal values and equity.
If you are a left-leaning knitter or crocheter who has a quiet heart: you have found your people.
Other things you might like
In addition to writing about knitting, I hand-dye yarn and make kits for knitters. You might like to try some of my yarn, and now that you’re on the list, you’ll get my studio update too. I send it twice a month (via a more traditional email provider) and share new yarn colorways and new offerings in my shop.
You’re on the list, so you’ll now get all of my content. However, if you’d like to receive just this Sunday letter, you can customize what you receive here.
Welcome, friend. I am so glad you’re here.
You can read all of my previous newsletters in the archives.
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