I had only returned to crocheting for a few months when I discovered your yarn subscription. When I talked to my husband about it he told me that was a totally reasonable amount to spend on a hobby. And he promised me that as long as I continued to use yarn he would totally support me in buying it. I have space limitations in our little house and there have been times we needed to allocate more money than usual to other places but he has never complained about the money I spend on a creative outlet that I actually do that brings me joy. And I’m always a little surprised at how many jaw drops I get from fellow knitters when I tell them that that is his stance - as though it’s just utterly unreasonable of him to feel that way.

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My husband is similar. The best gift he ever got me was a very large gift certificate to a fancy needle place that I had declared was "too expensive." He said, "You'll be doing this craft for your whole life. Invest in excellent tools." I love it when our partners affirm that shared money is worth spending on ourselves. I dislike when the opposite happens. Kudos to your partner for affirming your worth.

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Thank you, Anne! This is so incredibly timely for me. I have been knitting and subsequently collecting yarn for over 20 years. I have accumulated quite a bit but it’s always been in boxes in a closet. Every time I would dive into my stash for a specific project, I would come away thinking, “Dang! I’ve got some really lovely yarn!” But I’d never been able to look at it as a whole. A few weeks ago I broke down and got some shelves with the intention of at last having a yarn wall to display all my previous gems. I constructed it last weekend and have moved my stash from being hidden away in boxes to the shelves. It’s breathtaking to see it all together and fascinating to see unexpected color trends. I have had moments of thinking perhaps one should be ashamed of such abundance? But wait! This is a joyously curated collection 20 years in the making. I knit everyday! The act and the yarn itself enhance my life! I think seeing it this way will inspire me to knit more & with more intention and also urge me to use a little more restraint when it comes to impromptu purchases. It’s all a little scary somehow, but so beautiful. Thanks again for your well-timed support to embrace THE JOY!

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Oh, I love this! "a joyously curated collection 20 years in the making." 💙

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I share the ambivalent feelings about capitalism, but needing to support yourself through asking individuals to pay for your work! I love the reframing of commerce as a concept separate from capitalism. I also recommend checking out the work of Bear Hebert, if you aren't already familiar with them: https://www.bearcoaches.com/freely

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ANJALI!! I adore your work and Substack! I don't know of Bear and I'll check them out. (Everyone: if you love food like I do, please subscribe and support Anjali's newsletter "Antiracist Dietitican." It is absolute gold.

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Thank you, Anne! I love your newsletter -- reading it feels like a deep, cleansing sigh at the end of the week. Just a lovely space to be. ❤️

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100% My stash is a pure source of joy and inspiration and I have no guilt about its size. What I fall out of love with is either passed on or resold and the rest waits for the right project to turn up. By choosing to use my money for my creative stash and things that bring me joy I have significantly reduced the clothes, homeware and general stuff I used to accumulate that I ended up regretting. Engaging in thoughtful commerce is a very different thing to the mindless consumption of more that capitalism relies on. There are no simple answers to how we tackle overconsumption and the pressure that has put on the earth, but I do believe that making an active choice and being intentional about what it is that we actually want rather than let marketing people decide for us is a good place to start.

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Oh my gosh ALL THIS. I feel exactly the same, and yes yes yes!

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Once again, just brilliant! I especially love this: "because they fulfill their purpose simply by bringing me joy, every time I look at them." I feel this way about some of my stash. I may never knit the yarn but I just love looking at it! I have been in a season of downsizing my stash via careful culling. I have some of the funds this has created to subscribe to your Kindred Spirits. Because looking at the skeins you dye does bring me joy! Have a wonderful day!

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Oh how lovely! I am having fun right now thinking about what that next color of Kindred Spirits will be. 💙🌈✨

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