i’ve gone back to crocheting again and even though i’ve been a beginner for ages, this time i’m determined to stick with it and improve. It’s been so relaxing to get away from my phone and finishing a project gives me a sense of pride i couldn’t get without putting in hard work. you’re so right!! it’s so important that we value craftsmanship and slowing down. i really enjoyed reading this <33

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What a treat to see that you linked to a piece I wrote while I was working at Interweave about Michelle Obama's book and her knitting! Thanks for the flashback, and for your thoughtful writing.

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You are my people! Thank you for showing up the way you do in this space.

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Wonderful post. It’s wonderful to read a space that is like-minded. This made my rather difficult Sunday much much better. Knitting and making is sacred.

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Jun 10Liked by Anne Vally

I always enjoy reading your encouragement and reminder to value and honor the small and simple things we do- they are no less “important” than anything else. Today you literally inspired me to glue a broken ceramic piece together that has been sitting around too long. Thank you.

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Jun 9Liked by Anne Vally

Such a good read, as always! I love and deeply appreciate the various links you share (as asides and as main focuses) - they regularly either affirm something or teach me something new!

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Loved reading this ❤️

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Jun 9Liked by Anne Vally

You are my people! I’ve mentioned here before the red Trumpy spaces I have to move through. This space is a haven where my values are affirmed and at times challenged (the cis white woman in me needs this).

I would read anything you write on any day. I can understand why you need to write the one newsletter. Your values inform your art and your life, so how would one split those up?

I knit for many reasons, but to tie into what you said about the changes, knitting reminds me we are part of a long tradition and are connected to the women and men who handed the craft to us. We can make it new, make it ours while simultaneously honoring those who knitted for their families and to make money to feed those families.

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Jun 9Liked by Anne Vally

Thank you so much for this space. I so appreciate your essays.

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The magnitude of change, as you say is quite dizzying isn't it. No wonder we are reeling from it.

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