I answered solitary knitter thinking I would be in the minority. Quite the opposite: when I clicked it was at 59%, the highest of all the options. Makes me wonder why I assumed more would be more social and if this platform skews the results--the solitary ones gravitate to social media.

Some of mine comes from my personality, but another comes from how some LYS I’ve been to are snobby and exclusive. I got the feeling there was the cool kid table where I was not welcome.

But this space Anne and everyone else has created makes me feel welcome. If we were all in the same physical space knitting together, it would be filled with laughter and the clink of mugs that hold steamy cider and coffee and all the colors and textures that make up our knitting and our lives.

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I am more of a solitary knitter due to schedule more than anything else but I cherish my 2 hr weekly knit in our lys patio, weather permitting. don't know if I will ever make it to a fiber festival. time cost and crowds are all a factor. but I do so enjoy all the posts! maybe I am just an armchair festival attendee. plenty to choose from at least!

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I’m glad you have a good LYS group to knit with. My experience hasn’t been positive, so it’s good to know there are places that are special.

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I’m another "something else". Knitting used to be my most social activity in the Before times. The pandemic put an end to my weekly knitting group. I’m immune compromised and indoor group gatherings at my small and poorly ventilated LYS still are frightening to contemplate. I miss being with other knitters and sharing our creations and fiber excitement in person. I make do with connections on a Discord server and Instagram. It's not the same as real life, but they provide an opportunity to show what I've made, and to seek advice, which is much needed as a new spinner, and to see and gush over what others are making. I'm now a solitary knitter, but I am not happy about it.

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That's a hard one, and I'm not sure there's a way through that. By their nature many LYS spaces are small which does not lend itself to ventilation. Being immunity compromised sucks.

But yarn is still great ❤️

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I answered “something else” to your poll. I would like to be a social knitter and to have knitting friends, but barriers related to geography and pandemic make that pretty well impossible. I get by with Instagram and newsletters and accept a pseudo parasocial connection to others. But if you saw @knitboop’s post today (10/22) about festival accessibility that is kind of where I am at too.

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I feel like I can't answer the poll because I think my answer is kind of... all of them? I'm new to knitting (started last December) so I was really excited to go to Rhinebeck this year, but I also love knitting with my friend who taught me, and by myself as well.

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I'm still deciding! 🤣 I did Yarndale (UK festival) a couple of times. Manic coach, ridiculous number of bags hauled back full of yarn goodies, much fun, but cannot imagine now repeating the experience!

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It was overwhelming for sure! And I'm disappointed by the lack of accessibility for disabled and immunocompromised folks. I've heard awful things about Wool & Folk this year, which was meant to be more inclusive than Rhinebeck. It's hard to navigate.

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The yarns are so very beautiful, I had a very hard time choosing. Lavender Thyme will make a gorgeous Nourish shawl. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your beautiful yarns with all of us. As I move through what will be a difficult and stressful week, I will be reminding myself to slow down and take at least a few minutes to place my hands in yarn and knit a few stitches each day.

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I hope your week goes as well as it can and that your yarn and stitches bring you comfort.

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Thank you, Jane.

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