As always, your posts resonate a lot. Wishing you the best.

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I read a comment a while back that I repeat quite often and hope it will help you. "Other people's opinions of me are none of my business". Take really good care,peace and all good things !

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It can be a hard journey when we are brought down. But when we get up, as you know, we are stronger for it. And can better deal with the negative going forward. I’m sorry this happens, especially to you. You have beautiful yarn & knits. Your newsletters are soothing to me. You bring me calm in my busy chaotic life. You are loved. ❤️

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Your thoughtful insights, warmth and appreciation for creativity and creators are the reasons I keep coming back to your spot on the internet...that and the yarn, oh the beautiful yarn. Don't let anyone set you spinning in the wrong direction.

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It is cowardly to be anonymous in one's criticism of another.

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Your emails were certainly missed, but I think we all understand that sometimes the energy just isn't in the right place. When challenges like the one you recently experienced occur, taking time to re-center and adjust is demanding; finding the way back to one's authentic self is harder than we feel it should be. The older I get, the easier it is for me to get frustrated that I don't have all this life shit figured out already!

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You are most definitely loved! ❤️

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So sorry you had this experience. Sending hugs and love. You are one of the most wonderful persons I know in this world.

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Sometimes it's more about the other person making the statements than it is about you. More often than not, that's the case. What is going on with her/him in her/his life and about how they feel about themselves?

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Thank you for sharing this with us. That negative memory thing is a really hard to escape, and we build and build on it so that a bad experience gets stacked with all the others in the same category. Rationally we know that we should dismiss it or at least weigh it against all the positive bits, but it's very difficult to train the brain. I'm sorry you got knocked off kilter, and I'm glad you have found your way back. I love your work and your insights.❤️

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Thank you for sharing your experience with us! We’ve all been there in one way or another, and just know that you are loved and important to us here. I’m angry that someone would say something mean and horrible about you. But I’m glad you’ve found your way back to your center. That is what’s most important. And I know that anger towards this anonymous person on your behalf isn’t positively generative. Focusing on your wise words about coming back to softness is much, much better. So again, thank you for what you wrote and shared this Sunday. <3

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Thank you for your thoughtful words and for writing about this topic. I too am so sorry you had that experience.

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I don't read online reviews of my books. Sometimes my husband will read a line out loud (especially if it's from a friend). I love critique groups and getting feedback while I'm going through the process of writing, but once a book is finished and published, I feel helpless and exposed in the face of critiques. Your thoughtfulness and willingness to be open have been very inspirational to me. xo

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I'm sorry you had that experience. I know what you mean about them sticking around. It feels so hard to metabolize and move on from sometimes.

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So sorry for your rough few weeks. I very much look forward to your emails and love your gentle spirit.

Interesting how time changes the way we feel about projects. When the bookmarked pattern came out before Christmas I thought it's cute but not for me. Now I can't wait to start one (or two...). Thanks for the kits and reminding me of the pattern!

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