Fall is my favorite time of year. I don’t wish to linger in summer! But north central Illinois in the summer is usually hot and humid and buggy.

Today, though, has been glorious. Cloudless blue skies. Low humidity. Temps in the 70s. And the colors! We don’t get the brilliant fall colors until late October, but the soy beans are turning yellow, making the fields look like Monet borrowed Van Gogh’s colors. The corn is drying and turning brown. And tonight’s low is in the 40s!! Break out the sweaters!

Maybe it’s because my season of life is about struggling to accept aging, but these late summer/early fall changes when nature matures into such beauty before it returns to the dirt—I wish we as a society would see human aging the same way.

Granted I don’t feel glorious right now with my achy joints and my memory lapses, and I don’t see myself aging gracefully (I’m cranky most of the time), but I do wish I could find some way to come to terms with each season of my life.

I’m starting my Christmas knitting now—in part to avoid hurting my hands like I did last year and in part to have time to knit for myself during the holidays. I would love for that season to be slow knitting I can sink into. No grading. No students. No expectations. Just knitting.

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I've been thinking, all week, about your comment about naturing maturing into beauty, and human aging as the same. Fall is my favorite season, and I am in (you, too) life's fall. How wonderful, and how much beauty! I am working on shifting my perspective.

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Thanks for this call to rest. I’ve got so much deadline crochet going on, and so need to start scripting my podcast and I want to finally query my memoir, but I also have a day job that doesn’t rob me of confidence and I will dwell in that.

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Having just finished my chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer, I have especially learned to value my time over this past year. Many days I was too weak to knit or read so the days I was able to do either of those brought light to my days and joy to those times.

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Marla, I am holding all the best hopes for your next steps to be full remission and lots of knitting!

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Thank you for those good wishes. 😘

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