I loved this. I haven't been in the Stitches world so I haven't followed what has been happening. I so appreciate everything that was shared. Learning is a long and continuous process.

Your thoughts on coronavirus and moving forward in a post-pandemic mindset were excellent. I work with the elderly and coronavirus and its effects are ever-present.

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I feel so grateful that you share your thoughts here, Anne. It is like we are having a heart-to-heart chat together as soul sisters. Thank you, from the bottom of my tender, grieving heart. 💙

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This made me cry - thank you for reminding us that it’s up to us to take care of each other, and it always has been <3

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I, too, am not much of a class taker, but I do love Marketplace.

I, desperately, wanted to go to Stitches West, and Stitches SoCal last year, and this year.

But, my crowd anxiety outweighed my need to be with my people, squish the wool, and support small businesses.

Will things ever be back to where they were, before Stitches 2020? (The last fun thing that I did before the world shut down.)


I accept that.

Will I be at Stitches SoCal this year?

I am going to try my best.

That's all we can do.

Will I be wearing a mask?

You bet your sweet patootie.

I wear these suckers every time that I am near anyone who isn't family.

And, I probably will, for the rest of my days.

Thank you, for this post, and the catharsis.

It gave me the rest of the tears which I have not shed, but once, during these past three years.

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Thank you so much for talking about the pandemic as an ongoing concern. We often feel like we're the only ones who continue to take it seriously and it is a relief to read that there are others who feel the cognitive dissonance of living in an area where life goes on as normal when people are still getting very sick and dying.

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This phrase really sums it up for me: cognitive dissonance.

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It’s like you put into words thoughts that are bubbling away in my brain but I hadn’t gotten around to synthesizing into ideas. Or that I haven’t sat still long enough to let percolate. I so appreciate these lovely reminders to be slow and think about the world around me.

The talk in today’s post about taking care of each other really resonates. I, too, had hoped for the kind of lasting change that you talk about and I feel disappointed that we, as a culture, didn’t seem to learn anything. But as smaller communities we have learned. As an individual, I have learned. Soft has become a goal for me and maybe small is part of that too.

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Thanks again Anne for another thought provoking read. The audible quote was fun too. The other pandemic result that brought me hope was the cleansing/healing affect on the planet. All those positive things seem to have dissipated and darkened my hope. I have been more politically active in the past few years, but it has taken a toll on my nervous system. I'm coming to the conclusion that my best course is to be more present with (the few) people I interact with, with the intention of making a difference that will survive me; when I'm gone, I believe that is what will remain important.

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I also really relate to the toll on my nervous system. Oof. I often underscore to myself how vital it is to take care of myself (and yourself), and our close circle, in radical, and often boring ways. (There’s a whole internet thread on boring self care, and it’s so true!)

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You write beautifully!

Have you ever thought of writing and publishing a book?

You have a natural talent, that makes me feel like I’m sitting and talking with you.

I look forward to your emails. Thank you for putting a smile on my face!

Happy Everything,

Deb 😁

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Awww thank you friend! What a lovely thing to tell me!

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I'd read and share your book :)

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That was beautiful and really did resonate. I loved the idea of calling out the systems that are failing us. We need to keep at it. Lasting change is gradual, and we have seen some. Keep believing and keep pushing. And give yourself a hug :)

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And a big hug back to you!

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