Great perspective! ✨🤍

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I learned two weeks ago that my feet are in the wrong size shoes and have been under pressure. On top of me fracturing one of them this summer. My HOKAs are the best $200 I’ve ever spent on shoes

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FEET! Hard agree here. Have you heard about toe yoga? It really helped me strengthen my feet after I broke one in 2021. Here’s a NYT gift link about foot stuff that’s really helped me: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/18/well/move/foot-workout-exercises.html?unlocked_article_code=1.M04.PvwX.zyGVtQgEjAf9&smid=url-share

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I had not, but thank you for all of this valuable information!

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Sep 22Liked by Anne Vally

Thank you for this post. I’ve been struggling with finding good virtual movement/flexibility classes, especially since I seem to be more prone to injury the closer I get to menopause. I love Stretches for Stitchers with Mara, but it’s only once a week. I feel like All Bodies Welcome Yoga would be a great fit. Thank you for sharing!

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Stretches for Stitchers sounds like an interesting class too!

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Sep 22Liked by Anne Vally

Because I'm not good at estimating how much yarn I might need for a project, I've swung towards yarn that's easy to get more of.

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Solid reasoning!!

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Sep 22Liked by Anne Vally

Thank you for this newsletter my dearest Annie. It is something I look forward to every Sunday.

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I adore that you are usually comment no. 1.

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Sep 22Liked by Anne Vally

Well big sis you know I gotta represent!!!

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