Hi Anne,

I don't post anything on IG, I just enjoy looking! :-) My user name is: njba24

Thank you for trying to figure this out!


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This is such a wonderful post. As someone who is looking to start building as a crochet designer I am torn between the need for a wider reach/growth (which instagram is supposedly good for) and feeling increasingly uncomfortable on instagram for all of the reasons you describe. Trying to find the balance between creating content that feels good to me (and leaves me enough space to do the main creative work I want to do) and that satisfies the algorithm enough to reach people feels like it is going to be one of the more difficult challenges.

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This is such an interesting piece, thanks so much for writing it. As a fellow knitting designer and IG enthusiast I have really found this too. It's only be really trying to stay consistent and sharing work that embodies your values - both quietly and more determinedly on occasion that you can ensure that your core following also shares those views. Consistency takes time and effort but it's well worth it - and more importantly it can't be replicated by anyone else because it's fundamentally 'you'.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Anne Vally

Anne, thank you as always for a thought provoking letter. The Serra and Schoolman quote, "If something is free, you're the product." is something to ponder as I look around Instagram and other forms of social media. I am having trouble locating your Instagram page. The link in your letter leads to an error page from Instagram. Can you give me the exact way to reach you on Instagram? Many thanks, Nancy.

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The post I'm referring to is here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct1nmyBub_h/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

And if that link doesn't work for you, go to: https://www.instagram.com/littleskeinanne/ and it's the post with the text and purple background.

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/Users/nancy/Desktop/Screenshot 2023-06-27 at 7.06.33 AM.png

Hi Anne,

Unfortunately, both links took me to an error page. I took a screenshot of the page and posted it above. I thank you for trying. I did try to find your page on IG, but only came up with the #littleskeinanne photos and not a regular home page. Not sure what's up with IG.


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So strange! Email me with your IG user name and I'll see if I can "see" you there. I'm at anne @ littleskein.com.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Anne Vally

Thank you for your reflection. I just wanted to say that I would love to buy more from your shop and the reason I don't has nothing to do with you or your values which I wholeheartedly support. It's just I live in the UK and the only time I bought some beautiful yarn from you shipping and customs duty nearly doubled the price to a point beyond which I am comfortable spending on yarn which I am going to use for my own pleasure and adornment.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Anne Vally

Everything about this reflection resonates. Thank you for granting your voice the space you need for writing. Your voice buoys my spirits every week — not with false cheer, but with quiet conviction and invitation. Such a wonderful gift!

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You challenge the thinking that's been ingrained in me for most of my 60+ years in such a gentle and powerful way. Thank you so much for helping me broaden my world. I completely understand your feelings about Instagram but following as many BIPOC and non-cis makers is also helping my process of growing my world.

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Virginia, 💙💙💙. Thank you for being here.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Anne Vally

I’m a new follower and this really speaks to me. This week I’ve been on holiday and shared a picture on Instagram of my knitting at the seaside and, as I always do, I included information about the independent companies where I bought my yarn and the pattern motif, to signal boost their small businesses, things I always add to my knitting posts. Moments later IG is rejecting my post as it says I’m trying to monetise the content so they’ve removed it. I was furious. I tried again without names and though it wasn’t removed, I’ve now got a permanent pinned message at the top about monetising posts. I really hate this and am considering leaving and perhaps doing a Substack myself. It’s really left a nasty taste this week. We can no longer support others it seems. I have limited funds and one of the ways I could support others was by sharing their information and now I can’t.

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Anne Vally

How frustrating. I join you in “signal boosting” as a way to super-boost my support. I hope that IG message fades soon.

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What craziness. Thank you for being here.

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023Liked by Anne Vally

What a lovely Sunday reflection. I am among the people who wholeheartedly shares your values. I feel so thankful that you speak with clarity about the inequities and injustices in our world. Sending you best wishes.

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And warmest wishes back to you. Thank you for being here. 💙💙

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