Let's get groovy
I'm loving the playlists Spotify are serving up to me, and I have groovy new yarn for you!
Earlier this year, I released a pattern and kits for these sweet socks inspired by my lil brother who was born in 1971. He and I were kids of the 70s, the grooviest possible decade. Think: Greg and Marcia from the Brady Bunch, with their wide collars and center parts. Spotify knows this is my vibe and I loved the playlist (named: Good Feeling 70s) it recently served up to me. Maybe you will, too?
The original yarn colors sold out really quickly when I first released them, and I’ve finally been able to restock. I also adjusted the listing so those of you who already own the pattern (or who just want yarn, without the pattern), can now buy it this way.
While my Lather washcloth kit is now sold out again (after one restock, and I love how much you all love this kit!), I was able to dye a good amount of the yarn itself in case you’d like to grab a copy of the pattern from Hunter Hammersen and knit yourself some luxury silk/linen washcloths.
The sheen on this silk/linen yarn is just gorgeous ….

Y’all probably don’t realize, but those of you receiving this newsletter are a pretty awesome bunch. We have so much in common: our progressive politics, our hope for humanity, our commitment to the craft of knitting and crocheting, our belief that slowing down is a great way to live.
I have a folder in my email in-box that’s labeled sweet readers & customers, because you send me the most moving and tender and awesome emails. I want you to feel some of those same great vibes. Because the people who are attracted to and buy my yarn (and all the creative things I share) really are amazing folks, and you all give me hope for this world.
I’m going to be starting a new section in the Sunday edition of my newsletter that has a reader spotlight. Would you be interested for me to introduce you to our other readers? I’d ask you a few easy questions and also want to share a picture from you (doesn’t have to be a picture of you but just a picture that feels like you).
If you’re game, please message me and let me know that you volunteer for a reader spotlight!
You're the best!!!!